Thursday, June 3, 2010


In this project, I was asked to make my very own magazine cover with a picture of me on the front. I was aloud to pick what kind of magazine that I wanted to make. I picked Teen Vogue because i really like the magazine and I looked kind of young in my picture so it went perfect. First i used the "wand tool" to crop myself out of the picture so that i don't have the background anymore. Then I just went online and got ideas on what Teen Vogue looks like and what layout they use mostly. Then i font the exact fonts as they use for the tittle. I was also asked to use three eye catchers so that people would want to buy my magazine over somebody else's.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


In this project I was asked to make up my own logo for a restaurant. I was given a list of about ten different restaurants and I was aloud to pick which ever one I wanted. Since I love sushi I decided to pick the only sushi restaurant on the list. I was aloud to use clip art for the sushi so it made it aloud easier. Then I just came up with six different logos and picked my three top favorite designs.